Ali and Lama Kolaghassi Scholarship Fund

This endowment fund was established in 2017 by George Washington University parents Ali, BBA ‘90, and Lama Kolaghassi. This fund provides the opportunity for one graduate of King’s Academy in Madaba-Manja, Jordan, or a similar student to enroll at GW as a degree-seeking undergraduate student. This scholarship is designed to provide an undergraduate education and leadership training to qualified Arabic-speaking graduates of King’s Academy who have lived and/or studied in Jordan and who are committed to advancing the interests of Arabic-speaking communities around the world. Nominees for the Kolaghassi Scholarship are selected by King’s Academy on the basis of their academic performance, English language proficiency, potential to gain from such an intercultural experience, and demonstrated financial need.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Jordan
    • 1. Have you lived in or studied in Jordan?
    • 2. Are you a graduate of King's Academy in Madaba-Manja, Jordan?